Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hershey...King of the Mountain & King of Paws & Paddles Cottage!

Hershey enjoyed the trip down to Tybee. He was as quiet as a mouse in his big bed in the back of the HHR. Once in a while he would stand up to turn around or you would see his top knot shoot up for a second or two but that was it. He understood what rest areas are for and delivered! He has sniffed or as I say Hoovered everything in the cottage several times over. We took a break in the great room and he promptly found the doggie bed Jane had made to match our chair and plop he was down. The funny thing...he is so darn big he could never quite get all of Hershey on the bed at the same time...but he kept trying. We walked him to the lighthouse and up the boardwalk to the deck and sat with him enjoying the ocean breeze and the view of the water in front and the lighthouse behind the sky darkened. The lighthouse is always a favorite but sitting there watching it's light get brighter as the sky darkened was awesome. Everyone walking by commented on what a beautiful boy Hershey is and so well behaved. He wasn't sure he liked our first take on where he would sleep and around 1:30 I heard him moving around. I got up and spent some time with him and decided he wanted some water and food...his schedule had gotten off a little...just like a 2 year old. After some food and water...he settled down. I moved his big Orvis bed out to the sunroom and I stayed out there with him on the day bed. The ceiling fan was blowing on us both and the next thing I knew it was day break. He went with Mike for his morning walk and was ready for breakfast. We headed for the lighthouse to watch the sunrise. We are reading and playing this morning on the sun porch and Hershey has claimed the daybed as HIS...just like he did our guest room bed on the Mountain. He is laying there now and must be dreaming because his big old paws are just twitching about...King of the Cottage in less than 24 hours...and his paws are crossed so that means he is happy. The Cottage looks great and the furnishing are holding up well. All of my labeling must have helped...the cabinets, etc. are still organized. I am enjoying my chaise on the sun porch and catching up on email, blogs, and new books. Leah's Journey by Gil Balance is the pick for this trip. A Kindle published book by my sailboat friend's Dad. Started reading it and I am is very, very, good! More later...Off later to a new art gallery opening...The Dragonfly...they are on FB if you are interested...I love dragonfly's and liked them even more when I read that in Japan they are the symbol for Courage...something to strive for in our hectic and sometimes trying lives.

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